
Reading at Oakfield

Oakfield Reading spine 2022_23.pdf

Accelerated Reader

From Year 2 we use a reading programme called Accelerated Reader, where the children are individually matched to books they can read with suitable challenge and accessibility. They then complete an online quiz which asks comprehension questions to ensure they have understood what they are reading.

100% Tea

When children achieve 100% in a quiz, they add their name to their class box. At the end of each half term, two names are drawn from each class and the children join Miss Bray and Mrs Lailey to make a book mark and enjoy some squash and biscuits.

Reading for pleasure


Children are able to snuggle in the tents to enjoy some quiet time. They also discuss important topics such as climate change through stories including 'The Tin Forest' by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson.

Special Events

National Storytelling Week - February 2022

The children took part in lots of activities during National Storytelling Week:

Meet the author - Autumn 2021

In 2021 the children met Smriti Halls, Ross Montgomery or Jess Butterworth. The event, run by Hampshire Library Service, allowed us to send in five questions to each author. Every class was able to submit questions for our competition to find out what those questions were going to be. Those children whose questions were selected received a postcard to congratulate them. 

Year 5 met Ross Montgomery

The authors then selected one question to answer from each school. 

Our winners this year were:-

Smriti Halls - Year R

Ross Montgomery - Oliver

Jess Butterworth - Finnley

National Poetry Day 

After an assembly to introduce National Poetry Day, classes all chose a poem to learn and perform. Some children joined Miss Bray in the library at lunchtime to read some more poems and share their favourite ones. Children were also keen to share poems they had written independently during the day.


Year 2


Year 6

World Book Day - 2021

We used 'Here we are' by Oliver Jeffers across the school. This inspired lots of reading about endangered animals which led to fact files and poems. Year 5 and Year 6 wrote to their local MP about environmental issues and received a reply!

Year 4 were the winners of our 'Decorate your door' competition where we told the story throughout the school.

Year 4's winning door

A letter from our local MP

One of our amazing hat creations