
Senior Leader Responsible

Mr Mitton is the senior leader with overall responsibility for championing and improving attendance. 

Attendance Policy

The policy can be viewed by clicking here.

What we learned from lockdown...



Miss Bray cannot authorise holidays during term time.

A ‘Leave of Absence’ form, which is available from the school office or below, must be completed for any request for time out of school, whether it be that exceptional circumstances apply or your child is taking a music or dance examination and requires time off for that.

Penalty notices may be issued if parents choose to remove children from school without approval.

Reasonable Absence

It is the legal responsibility of parents to ensure their children attend school continuously. Legislation requires schools to keep a register of attendance and to record the reasons for a child’s absence, such as sickness, medical or dental appointments. A school can authorise such absences. However, the  school cannot authorise all absences. 

An absence may be unauthorised if no communication is received from parents. Parents should telephone the school before 9am on the first day of the child’s absence, stating the reason. We expect a note of explanation if the child returns after a period of absence that has not been notified. To avoid spreading illness, please consult the NHS guidance for further information.

As you would imagine, your child’s attendance is rigorously tracked. If your child’s attendance is a  concern, a member of staff will communicate with you, either in writing or by a phone call.

As an example, Andrew is currently in Year 3. His attendance at the end of the school year is 90% - this is the equivalent to a half-day every week or, put another way, is the equivalent to Andrew missing four weeks of education in a school year. Just think about the potential effect this could have on his education.

Reasonable explanations includes: 

Any child who arrives late at school, after the registers have been closed, will be recorded as having an unauthorised absence with the exception of the explanations above if this is not a regular occurrence. 

Please inform us as soon as possible if you wish your child to leave early for a medical appointment or family emergency. We would expect him/her to be collected from school in these circumstances. 

Please note that we only release children in school time to a parent or guardian and with prior notification.

All Pupils

Parental Responsibility

School Responsibility

GMAT Responsibility

Hampshire Responsibility

Additional Measures for those at risk of becoming persistently absent

Parental Responsibility

School Responsibility

GMAT Responsibility

Hampshire Responsibility

Additional Measures Persistently Absent Pupils

Parental Responsibility

School Responsibility

GMAT Responsibility

Hampshire Responsibility

Additional Measures Severely Absent Pupils

Parental Responsibility

School Responsibility

GMAT Responsibility

Hampshire Responsibility

Children with SEND

Parental Responsibility

School Responsibility

GMAT Responsibility

Hampshire Responsibility

Children with A Social Worker

Parental Responsibility

School Responsibility

GMAT Responsibility

Hampshire Responsibility

Key Documents