Year 3

English Overviews

Reading Stage 3 (1).pdf

Reading Knowledge

Y3 Reading spine 2022_23.pdf

Reading Spine

Writing 3.pdf

Writing Knowledge

Mathematics Overview & Support

We are proud to work with the Maths Hub for 2020 - 2022 to develop a mastery approach when teaching mathematics. 

Termly Overview

KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts)

Topics & Overviews



Animal Nutrition and the Skeletal System

This project teaches children about the importance of nutrition for humans and other animals. They learn about the role of a skeleton and muscles and identify animals with different types of skeleton. 


Through The Ages

This project teaches children about British prehistory from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, including changes to people and lifestyle caused by ingenuity, invention and technological advancement. 


One Planet, Our World

This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children to locate countries and cities, and use grid references, compass points and latitude and longitude. They learn about the layers of the Earth and plate tectonics and discover the five major climate zones. They learn about significant places in the United Kingdom and carry out fieldwork to discover how land is used in the locality. 


Contrast & Complement

This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, complementary colours and analogous colours, and how artists use colour in their artwork. 


Prehistoric Pots

This project teaches children about Bell Beaker pottery. It allows the children to explore different clay techniques, which they use to make and decorate a Bell Beaker-style pot. 


Cook Well, Eat Well

This project teaches children about food groups and the Eatwell guide. They learn about methods of cooking and explore these by cooking potatoes and ratatouille. The children choose and make a taco filling according to specific design criteria. 


Minimalist Maestros -Performing

This unit focuses on helping children develop their composition skills by creating minimalist songs inspired by the composer Steve Reich. Children will learn about the characteristics of minimalist music, such as repetition, phasing, and layering, and how to apply them to their own compositions. Through this unit, children will develop their rhythmic and melodic skills, as well as their ability to use technology and music software to create and manipulate sounds. By the end of the unit, children will have composed their own minimalist songs using rhythm and layers, demonstrating their creativity and technical abilities.


Instrumental Explorers -Instruments 

In this unit children will play a variety of tuned and untuned instruments such as the Glockenspiel, Triangle and Tambourine. They will follow rhythms with accuracy to accompany songs from around the world. Year 3 will explore dynamics, the role of the conductor and create musical scores. 


Stoneage Sounds
Sound & Podcasting

In this podcasting unit the children will create a script, record it and add sound effects for a purpose using their Stoneage knowledge for context.



In this unit the children will learn how to create their own digital 360° image and explore it in VR.


Core - Personal

This unit teaches children to develop coordination skills. Skills are developed through developing different footwork skills and balances. 


Core - Social

Children learn how to cooperate and take part in small group tasks. Children use a range of dynamic balances to complete jumps and safe landing.



Forces & Magnets

This project teaches children about contact and non-contact forces, including friction and magnetism. They investigate frictional and magnetic forces, and identify parts of a magnet and magnetic materials. 



This project teaches children about a significant event in history, what caused it and the consequences - both long and short term. Children will learn about Pompeii, an ancient Roman city that perished when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. The archaeological site of Pompeii is historically significant because it provides a large amount of information about Roman life. 


Rocks, Relics & Rumbles

This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of Earth's layers, including a detailed exploration of volcanic, tectonic and seismic activity. 



This project teaches children about artistic techniques used in sketching, printmaking and sculpture. 


Urban Pioneers

Explore the culture and environment of city life. Children develop their knowledge of building design, urban art and photography, and learn how to improve urban environments. 


Making It Move

This project teaches children about cam mechanisms. They experiment with different shaped cams before designing, making and evaluating a child's automaton toy. 


Iron Man Soundscapers - Composing

This unit focuses on helping children develop improvisation and composition skills by creating a soundtrack for The Iron Man book study. They will identify the story's mood and use musical elements to create an appropriate soundscape. Children will learn about music elements and how to combine them for an effective composition. By the end, they will have improved their creativity, collaboration, and musical skills. 


Symbolic Singers - Singing and Performing

In this unit Year 3 will use their voice in different ways, including using a loud or soft voice, and identify simple repeated patterns. They will use their voices to create notes of different pitches, durations and dynamics. This will be carried out by highlighting certain lyrics and creating different moods. Year 3 and 4 will perform together for an Easter production. 


Perfecting Programs

Using Scratch, children will develop their coding skills. They will be able to design a program, create a sequence of code and evaluate their program.


Sorting Stories
Data Handling

The children will create their own sorting diagram and complete a data handling activity with it using images and text. They will input simple data into a spreadsheet. The children will then use the class story to create a feelings chart to explore characters’ feelings.


Core - Cognitive

This unit supports children to use their cognitive skills in PE. Children understand how to judge performance and use this to identify parts to work on. Children can explain why someone is working well. In team games children begin to understand and use tactics of attacking and defending. 


Gym - U1

In this unit children will be able to link actions and develop sequences. They will be able to change and adapt rules or tasks to make activities more challenging. To develop coordination, children will practise ways of sending and receiving.


Dance - U1

In this unit the children will learn how to combine turning, jumping and moving with a partner to create and perform a sequence of moves.



Plant Nutrition & Reproduction

This project teaches children about the requirements of plants for growth and survival. They describe the parts of flowering plants and relate structure to function, including the roots and stem for transporting water, leaves for making food and the flower for reproduction. 


Light & Shadows

This project teaches children about light and dark. They investigate the phenomena of reflections and shadows, looking for patterns in collected data. The risks associated with the Sun are also explored. 


Emperors & Empires

This project teaches children about the history and structure of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire, including a detailed exploration of the Romanisation of Britain. 


Roman Empire

In Geography, the children will learn about the countries conquered by the Roman army and how the Roman Empire grew to include many neighbouring lands. 


Beautiful Botanicals

This project teaches children about the genre of botanical art. They create natural weavings, two-colour prints and beautiful and detailed botanical paintings of fruit. 


Mosaic Masters

This project teaches children about the history of mosaics, before focusing on the colours, patterns and themes found in Roman mosaic. The children learn techniques to help them design and make a mosaic border tile. 



This project teaches children about the purpose, structure and design features of greenhouses, and compares the work of two significant greenhouse designers. They learn techniques to strengthen structures and use tools safely. They use their learning to design and construct a mini greenhouse. 


Pitch Perfectionists - Notation

In this unit children will explore how specific terms can be used to describe the sounds and changes in a piece of music, including pitch (high or low), timbre (sound quality), dynamics (loudness) and tempo (speed). They will recognise and respond to invented musical notation and symbols using instruments. Year 3 will deepen their understanding of crotchet rests, minim rests and semibreve rests and explore the importance of musical notation for musicians i.e when not to play or sing. In this unit children will be taught how pitch is represented.


Classical Composers - Composers 

This unit helps children in Year 3 appreciate music from great composers and musicians. They will learn about the historical and cultural significance of the piece and develop their listening skills, identifying musical elements and structure. By the end of the unit, they will have a greater appreciation for classical music and composers such as Chopin, Liszt and Mendelssohn.



Video Creations
Voiceover Film

Linking to our learning about The Romans, children will be able to sequence clips of mixed media in a timeline and record a voiceover. They will be able to trim and cut film clips and add titles and transitions. They will be able to independently create a green screen clip. 


Communicating Computers

IIn this unit children will learn about computer networks. They will understand how and why computers in a school are connected together in a network. They will be able to explain the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW). 


Core - Creative

This unit supports children’s creativity. Children will show an awareness of strength by developing a range of movements and skills with good body tension, this will be incorporated into effective techniques for running, jumping and throwing activities.  

Children will be able to perform a sequence of movements with some changes in level, direction or speed.


Core - Physical

In this unit children will be able to describe the basic fitness components and explain how often and how long they need to exercise to be healthy. They will be able to record and monitor how hard they are working. 

They will be able to describe how their body feels during and after  exercise.  Children will be able to use equipment appropriately and safely.

Religious Education - Love To Celebrate!

We look at six celebrations from across the major religions of the world


Anand Karaj

Summer 2

Before a Sikh wedding, the bride and groom may have a Kurmai engagement ceremony and receive a ring. Gifts are exchanged and many special preparations are made in the days and weeks before the wedding.

On the morning of the wedding, the bride and groom's family meet at the Gurdwara and share food before the ceremony. The Sikh wedding ceremony is called the Anand Karaj. The Granthi leading the service recites prayers and hymns and the bride takes hold of a scarf that the groom wears over his shoulder. Four wedding hymns, called Lavans are said and then sung. After each Lavan, the couple walk round the holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, which is witnessing their marriage. They also bow to the Guru Granth Sahib to show they agree with the readings. The Lavans act as the binding promises or vows.

Many Sikh weddings are followed by a reception where there is plenty of fun, food and dancing.



Autumn 2

Christmas is a Christian festival that marks the birth of Jesus Christ, over 2000 years ago. It is celebrated by billions of people around the world. Christians call the period before Christmas, Advent. The word Advent means 'coming' and is the time when Christians wait to celebrate the arrival of baby Jesus and think about the second coming of Jesus that they believe will happen in the future.

At Christmas time, Christians might attend special church services, remember the nativity story, buy gifts for loved ones, eat special food and spend time with family.

Christmas is also hugely popular secular celebration and traditions and stories that don't mark the birth of Jesus are popular.



Spring 1

Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights that is celebrated every autumn in November or December. The festival celebrates the victory of Judah Maccabee and his Jewish followers over the Syrian Emperor Antiochus and the miracle of the lamp, which burned for eight days in the regained temple in Jerusalem, even though there was only enough oil for one day's light.

Lighting the Hanukkiah, playing the dreidel game and eating fried foods are Hanukkah traditions that help Jews to remember the story of the Maccabees, the lamp in the temple and the importance of religious freedom.



Summer 1

Jumu’ah are Friday prayers. Before Jumu’ah, many Muslims wash, put on perfume or aftershave and dress in clean clothes. Just after lunchtime, worshippers meet at the mosque to say special prayers and listen to a talk by the Imam. The importance of saying Friday prayers is mentioned in the Qur’an and Muhammad called Friday the best day. 



Spring 2

The Tibetan Buddhist New Year holiday, Losar, starts on the first day of the first month of the Tibetan calendar, which is usually in February.

The celebrations last between three and 15 days and are a mixture of early Bon traditions and later Buddhist traditions. Tibetan Buddhists may perform rituals and dances to ward off evil spirits, present offerings to Buddha's shrine and hang up new prayer flags during Losar.

Losar is also a family time when people clean their houses, wear new clothes, come together to eat, share in the traditions of the festival and spend time together.



Autumn 1

Navratri is celebrated for nine nights and 10 days. Hindus worship a different form of the mother goddess Durga every day, including Lakshmi (the goddess of good fortune and wealth) and Saraswati (the goddess of wisdom). In India, clay statues of Durga are placed in homes, temples and street shrines during the festival. On the tenth day (Dussehra) the statues are paraded in the streets and put into water to disintegrate.

Navratri is a time for new, colourful clothes, good food, dancing and families. However, it is also a time to fast, worship the goddesses quietly and take part in puja ceremonies every day. Navratri is also celebrated as a harvest festival. Many Hindus plant nine different grains at the beginning of the festival to celebrate a good harvest.

P.S.H.E - Personal Social Health Education (Including Relationships & Sex Education)

We follow six key themes in P.S.H.E. that are taught at the same time across the school, below is the specific theme covered. 

Being Me In My World



Celebrating Difference


manage it (child-centred)

to solve it

be hurtful


Dreams & Goals


overcome obstacles

Healthy Me

important online and off line



Changing Me