Year R

EYFS - Year R

Miss Ramsdale is responsible for Year R. This means ensuring there is an ambitious curriculum set, supporting adults to implement it through high quality provision and checking that everything is helping children to know more, remember more and do more.

If you would like more information in addition to that published on this page, please email:

Oakfield's Approach


We are setting out to help our pupils be ...


We will do this by ensuring ...


We will have made a difference when ...

The Curriculum

At Oakfield, we pride ourselves on our unique approach to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, which sets it apart from the primary one.

Core Curriculum

Our EYFS curriculum features a well-crafted core component that guarantees comprehensive coverage and enriching experiences, preparing children for their transition to Year 1. this largely remains the same each year. 

Adapts for Interests

Simultaneously, we embrace an unstructured element, empowering our staff to facilitate, adapt, and modify learning contexts in response to children's ideas and questions. This changes every year, just like our children.

Copy of Website Curriculum Aspirations and milestones.pdf

Builds Towards Goals

Our curriculum goals are unique to our school and have been specifically designed to prepare pupils for life at Oakfield in the coming years. They encompass the school's vision, values, and the ambitions we share and make our offer unique.

Our Curriculum Goals

Our children will..


Organise and hold a ‘Teddy Bears’ picnic for incoming YR and their families.

Focus on forming positive relationships, engaging in school routines, and developing basic skills in literacy, mathematics, and communication.


Share their learning journey through a class book.

Encourage communication and expression, develop collaborative learning, and have children share their achievements with parents and the school community.


Complete a challenging obstacle course in an unfamiliar environment.

Develop physical skills, perseverance, and problem-solving abilities through various activities and challenges.


Write a transition letter to their Year 1 teacher.

Develop gross and fine motor skills, improve reading and writing abilities, and help children confidently express themselves in preparation for their transition to Year 1.

Want to know more?

Our curriculum goals serve several important functions:

Progress over Time

Goal 1: Organise and hold a ‘Teddy Bears’ picnic for incoming YR and their families

In the first milestone (December), we will focus on helping your child form positive relationships with their peers and encourage them to discuss the content of their scrapbooks. We will also introduce them to daily school routines, engage in storytimes, and explore messy play using outdoor resources such as the mud kitchen. At this stage, your child will learn to measure quantities using various containers and follow verbal instructions to make bread.

By the second milestone (March), your child will be able to pour liquids with increasing accuracy, create playdough with adult support, and begin to innovate stories independently. Their written recordings will become more coherent as they start labelling and writing captions. Additionally, they will develop their communication skills by contributing to class assemblies.

As we approach the third milestone (May), your child will have a solid understanding of daily routines and will be able to carry them out independently. They will create their own stories, perform in small groups, and write simple sentences with adult support. Your child will read basic instructions and implement simple steps to create cakes with minimal assistance. They will use numbers to measure ingredients.

Finally, in the last milestone, your child will be able to structure the Teddy Bears' picnic, design and write a list of needed items, and accurately measure out drinks and make cakes without adult support. They will confidently talk about the school environment, daily routines, and expectations. To showcase their learning journey, your child will contribute to an invitation and perform their favourite innovative story for the audience.

Goal 2: Share their learning journey through a class book

In the first milestone (December), as your child transitions into school, they will begin to establish positive relationships with peers and adults. They will share their interests with others through collaborative play and participate in small group discussions with key workers and peers. With support, children will discuss the resources they might use to achieve a successful learning outcome and give feedback to the wider group. Children will begin to use Goldilocks words with support in play.

By the second milestone (March), your child will have the opportunity to communicate an element of their learning journey during 'Express Afternoons' to parents and carers. They will independently share their journals, explain the activities, and discuss the process that took place. In key worker groups, pupils will suggest ways to further develop their learning activities. Pupils will use Goldilocks words independently in play and begin to use step on.

As we approach the third milestone (May), your child will learn to sustain concentration on an activity and adapt their approaches to learning when necessary. They will confidently select resources and participate in a class assembly, articulating their current learning to the wider school community without support. Children will use step on words independently in play.

In the final milestone, your child will choose their favorite Reception memory and record it using a variety of methods, such as photographs, pieces of learning, and videos. They will confidently discuss the importance of this memory, how they improved their learning, and how they can further develop it in Year 1. These reflections will be included in their reports as a purposeful outcome.

Goal 3: Complete a challenging obstacle course in an unfamiliar environment

In the first milestone (December), your child will learn various landings, static balances, and dynamic holds. They will also develop their coordination and gross motor skills by balancing on resources such as tyres. They will also complete threading activities and use tools to develop their fine motor skills. They will become familiar with positional language such as under, over, and through.

By the second milestone (March), your child will demonstrate a good understanding of direction, safety, and perseverance. They will collaborate with their peers to complete simple obstacle courses and develop spatial awareness while using the playground trim trail.

As we approach the third milestone (May), your child will challenge themselves by creating more difficult obstacles and reflecting on their learning. They will develop problem-solving skills and demonstrate good coordination, agility, and rotation in 'REAL PE' sessions using various gym equipment.

In the final milestone, your child will confidently complete a challenging offsite obstacle course, demonstrating overall body strength and control. They will move in different directions, at various levels, and show how to stay safe using large apparatus. Additionally, they will be able to problem-solve challenges and articulate the process of completing the course.

Goal 4: Write a transition letter to their Year 1 teacher

In the first milestone (December), your child will work on developing their gross and fine motor skills through various activities. They will begin to articulate their thoughts and recognise most set 1 sounds. As they start writing, they will use a tripod pencil grip and work on forming letters correctly.

By the second milestone (March), your child will be able to read set 1 sounds more quickly and form most set 1 letters independently. They will also begin to write simple words and use 'Fred Talk' to sound out words. Additionally, they will start speaking in full sentences, using a tripod pencil grip for writing, and naming important people in their lives.

In the third milestone (May), your child will confidently form all set 1 sounds, read green words speedily, and identify some red words. They will also start applying their understanding of set 2 sounds when writing. Your child will be able to orally rehearse and hold a simple sentence independently, understand finger spaces, and describe their family members.

In the final milestone, your child will write a short transition letter to their new Year 1 teacher. The letter will include their name, family set up, and their favourite story of the year. They will apply their phonic knowledge with increasing accuracy, ensuring their learning can be communicated clearly to their Year 1 teacher.

Curriculum Design

We won't be content with our academic provision until ...

Therefore we ...

Because we know that ...

English Overviews

Year R.pdf

Reading Overview

Writing 0.pdf

Writing Overview

Mathematics Overview

Termly Overview

Topics & Overviews


People, Culture and Communities

Special Times

This unit teaches pupils about special times during the day and important occasions celebrated throughout the year. It will explore if special times are observed in the same way and provide opportunities for children to discuss differences.

Understanding the World

Let's Explore

This project teaches children about the environments that they share with others, including their homes, school and places in the local community. 

Understanding the World

Sparkle & Shine

This project teaches children about the celebrations that take place during the autumn and winter seasons, and focus on the significance and symbolism of light at this time of year. 

Understanding the World

Being Me in My World

This unit encourages children to build positive relationships with one another in which they can learn collaboratively. Children will understand their rights to learn and how to be responsible by following school rules. This unit will support children to recognise feelings and ways in which to manage them. 

Understanding the World

Celebrating Difference

This unit will celebrate difference and teach children that everyone is unique. It will provide opportunities to problem solve and identify ways in which they can demonstrate kindness to others through actions and words.



This unit teaches children to develop coordination and static balance. Skills are developed through different footwork and balances (on one leg).



This unit teaches dynamic balance, agility and static balance. Skills are developed through jumping, landing and seated balance. 


People, Culture and Communities

Special People

This unit will encourage children to think about special people in their lives and attributes that makes them special. It will explore who is special to people of different faiths as well as reflecting on how their own actions can make others feel.

Understanding the World

Animal Safari

This project teaches children about the animals that live around the world, how to look after animals and the importance of caring for our local and global environments. 

Understanding the World

Ready, Steady, Grow

This project teaches children about food and farming and explores themes, including where food comes from, what plants and animals need to grow and survive and what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. 

Understanding the World

Dreams & Goals

This unit teaches children that perseverance and resilience is important when overcoming challenges. It teaches children to set goals and encourage them to articulate how they feel when outcomes have been achieved. It highlights the importance of having a positive attitude towards learning and highlights roles in supporting others to achieve their dreams.

Understanding the World

Healthy Me

This unit teaches children about healthy and unhealthy foods. It will explore the importance of a balanced diet, sleep and physical exercise to keep healthy. This unit will cover how to stay safe discussing both stranger danger and keeping clean.



This unit teaches children dynamic balance and static balance. This will be developed by following simple rules and travelling across lines. 



In this unit, the children will learn counter balance and coordination. This will be developed through increased ball control and exploring a range of balance stances opposite a partner.



Children will learn to travel in various ways and create a range of shapes i.e. tuck jump and star. They will learn to travel across a range of low level apparatus.


People, Culture and Communities

Special Places

This unit asks the children to identify what they believe makes a place special. It will also explore why a place of worship is special and provide opportunities for discussion about the world and its importance.

Understanding the World

Long ago ...

This project teaches children about how they have grown and changed since they were babies and how life in the past was different from today. 

Understanding the World

Moving On ...

This project celebrates the children’s successes throughout their Reception year. It explores how they have grown and changed and supports them with the changes to come as they move into Year 1. 

Understanding the World


This unit will teach children how to overcome disagreements within friendships and help children to identify the impact of unkind words. It will teach children how to initiate friendships with others as well as highlighting what it means to be a good friend. There will be opportunities for ‘calm me’ time in which pupils can begin to manage their feelings.

Understanding the World

Changing Me

In this unit children will be taught names for parts of the body. They will also understand that they grow from babies to adults. Children will have the opportunity to discuss their feelings regarding moving to Year 1. They will identify any concerns or worries they have as well as discussing what they are looking forward to. Pupils will share their favourite memories of Year R.



This unit supports children to develop their coordination and agility. Children will develop these skills through sending, receiving, reaction and response.



This unit will support the development of agility and static balance. These skills will be developed through ball chasing and using a variety of balance positions. 



Children will learn about flight and rotation. These skills will be developed by practising floor rolls and shapes on large apparatus. 

Religious Education - Love To Celebrate!







P.S.H.E - Personal Social Health Education (Including Relationships & Sex Education)

We follow six key themes in P.S.H.E. that are taught at the same time across the school, below is the specific theme covered. 

Being Me In My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams & Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me