Attendance (Impact)

To ensure that our pupils are attending school regularly, we track attendance closely. 

While we do not publish individual attendance records online, but we do share two key statistics with our community: overall attendance (the total percentage of students present) and the percentage of students who are persistently absent (i.e., those with 90% or less attendance).

Annual Indicators (Yearly Measurements)

AF1 - The whole school attendance %

2020 - 2021

Overall Attendance: 97%

Persistent Absentees: 7%



Children with SEND:

Children who are eligible for PP:

2021 - 2022

Overall Attendance: 94%

Persistent Absentees: 15%



Children with SEND:

Children who are eligible for PP:

2022 - 2023

Overall Attendance: 96%

Persistent Absentees: 7%



Children with SEND:

Children who are eligible for PP:

Attendance Awards