Year 2
English Overviews
Mathematics Overview & Support
We are proud to work with the Maths Hub for 2020 - 2022 to develop a mastery approach when teaching mathematics.
Termly Overview
Topics & Overviews
Muck, Mess & Mixtures
This project develops children’s knowledge of how to mix colours and apply materials to create unique pieces of art.
Human Survival
This project teaches children about the basic needs of humans for survival, including the importance of exercise, nutrition and good hygiene. They learn how human offspring grow and change over time into adulthood.
Movers & Shakers
This project teaches children about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will learn to use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people featured and use historical models to explore their significance.
Let's Explore The World
This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about atlases, maps and cardinal compass points. They learn about the characteristics of the four countries of the United Kingdom and find out why there are hot, temperate and cold places around the world. They also compare England to Somalia. Children carry out fieldwork, collecting primary data in their locality to answer geographical questions.
Mix It
This project teaches children about basic colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of primary and secondary colours and how artists use colour in their artwork.
Still Life
This project teaches children about the work of significant still life artists and still life techniques. They explore a wide variety of still lifes and learn about the use of colour and composition. They create still life arrangements and artwork.
Remarkable Recipes
This project teaches children about sources of food and tools used for food preparation. They also discover why some foods are cooked and learn to read a simple recipe. The children choose and make a new school meal that fulfils specific design criteria.
Accurate Analysts - Singing / Composing
This unit focuses on helping children develop their singing and composition skills by learning to sing songs using different pitch, volume, and tempo. They will also listen to different pieces of music to identify and analyze different features, such as dynamics, timbre, and structure. Through this unit, children will learn about musical elements and how to use them to create their own music. They will also develop their creativity, teamwork, and communication skills as they work together to compose music. By the end of the unit, children will have improved their singing and composition abilities and gained a deeper appreciation for music as an art form.
Interactive Images
In this unit children will learn how to create digital images with digital labels and voiceovers.
Image Manipulation
In this unit children will learn to edit pictures and create layers of photos. We will learn about online identify and keeping safe online.
Please click here for details -
Core - Personal
This unit teaches children to develop coordination skills. Skills are developed through developing different footwork skills and balances.
Gym - U1
Children will learn different balances and ways to travel. Skills will be developed through seated balances and balances using different apparatus.
Core - Social
This unit teaches children to develop dynamic balances and agility. Skills are developed through jumping, landing and seated balances.
Plant Survival
This project teaches children about the growth of plants from seeds and bulbs. They observe the growth of plants firsthand, recording changes over time and identifying what plants need to grow and stay healthy.
This project teaches children about habitats and what a habitat needs to provide. They explore local habitats to identify and name living things and begin to understand how they depend on one another for food and shelter.
This project teaches children about the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the coastal town of Whitby, in Yorkshire.
Flower Head
This project teaches children about the visual elements of flowers, including shape, texture, colour, pattern and form. They also explore various artistic methods, including drawing, printmaking and 3-D forms, using paper and clay.
Beach Hut
This project teaches children about making and strengthening structures, including different ways of joining materials.
Pioneering Percussionists - Percussion/Composers
This unit links to the coastal learning and focuses on helping children develop their musical skills and creativity by exploring the use of percussion in music. Children will learn about key composers who use percussion in their compositions and how to create their own rhythms using beats and percussion instruments. Through this unit, children will improve their understanding of musical elements and their ability to use them creatively. They will also develop their teamwork and collaboration skills as they work together to create percussion compositions. By the end of the unit, children will have a greater appreciation for the role of percussion in music and will have improved their technical and creative abilities.
Venn Diagrams
Data Handling
Children will develop their skills in data handling by sorting digital objects into different diagrams and charts.
Stop Start Animation
Children will learn how to create stop motion animations. They will learn how to create and debug simple algorithms.
Please click here for details -
Core - Cognitive
This unit builds on children’s dynamic balance to create circuits and different pathways. Children will learn to balance on a straight line and develop stance combinations.
Dance - U1
In this unit, children will learn to create multiple standing and
floor shapes, working with a partner. They will progress to learning how to travel between shapes and create shapes in contrast to a partner.
Animal Survival
This project teaches children about growth in animals by exploring the life cycles of some familiar animals. They build on learning about the survival of humans by identifying the basic needs of animals for survival, including food, water, air and shelter.
Magnificent Monarchs
This project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and then research six of the most significant sovereigns.
Portraits & Poses
This project teaches children about portraiture. They analyse the portraits of Tudor monarchs and compare Tudor portraits and selfies today. They use photo editing software to create royal portraits.
Cut, Stitch & Join
This project teaches children about fabric home products and the significant British brand Cath Kidston. They learn about sewing patterns and using a running stitch and embellishments before making a sewn bag tag.
Push & Pull
This project teaches children about three types of mechanism: sliders, levers and linkages. They make models of each mechanism before designing and making a greetings card with a moving part.
Purposeful Performers -Listening / Performing
This unit links to the animal study and focuses on helping children in the UK develop their appreciation for music and creativity by exploring the Carnival of the Animals composition. Children will listen to and analyze the dynamics and characteristics of the music, as well as the composer's choices. They will also use their knowledge of animals to create and perform their own music. Through this unit, children will learn about musical dynamics and how to use them to convey emotions and tell a story. They will also improve their creativity, teamwork, and performance skills. By the end of the unit, children will have developed a deeper appreciation for music and its connection to the natural world.
AR storytelling
We will create different content using different software we have been learning about. We will use AR technology to bring different objects into our surroundings. We will evaluate the learning we have done.
Robot Helper
We will use scratch technology to create algorithms. We will use programs and logical reasoning to predict outcomes of sequences.
Please click here for details -
Core - Creative
Children will develop their coordination skills further with sending and receiving balls. Children will develop their agility with reaction and response.
Core - Physical
Children will develop gymnastics skills by working on flight movements. They will learn to create sequences using different rotations.
Religious Education - Love To Celebrate!
We look at six celebrations from across the major religions of the world.
Anand Karaj
Before a Sikh wedding, the bride and groom may have a Kurmai engagement ceremony and receive a ring. Gifts are exchanged and many special preparations are made in the days and weeks before the wedding.
On the morning of the wedding, the bride and groom's family meet at the Gurdwara and share food before the ceremony. The Sikh wedding ceremony is called the Anand Karaj. The Granthi leading the service recites prayers and hymns and the bride takes hold of a scarf that the groom wears over his shoulder. Four wedding hymns, called Lavans are said and then sung. After each Lavan, the couple walk round the holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, which is witnessing their marriage. They also bow to the Guru Granth Sahib to show they agree with the readings. The Lavans act as the binding promises or vows.
Many Sikh weddings are followed by a reception where there is plenty of fun, food and dancing.
Christmas is a Christian festival that marks the birth of Jesus Christ, over 2000 years ago. It is celebrated by billions of people around the world. Christians call the period before Christmas, Advent. The word Advent means 'coming' and is the time when Christians wait to celebrate the arrival of baby Jesus and think about the second coming of Jesus that they believe will happen in the future.
At Christmas time, Christians might attend special church services, remember the nativity story, buy gifts for loved ones, eat special food and spend time with family.
Christmas is also hugely popular secular celebration and traditions and stories that don't mark the birth of Jesus are popular.
Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights that is celebrated every autumn in November or December. The festival celebrates the victory of Judah Maccabee and his Jewish followers over the Syrian Emperor Antiochus and the miracle of the lamp, which burned for eight days in the regained temple in Jerusalem, even though there was only enough oil for one day's light.
Lighting the Hanukkiah, playing the dreidel game and eating fried foods are Hanukkah traditions that help Jews to remember the story of the Maccabees, the lamp in the temple and the importance of religious freedom.
Jumu’ah are Friday prayers. Before Jumu’ah, many Muslims wash, put on perfume or aftershave and dress in clean clothes. Just after lunchtime, worshippers meet at the mosque to say special prayers and listen to a talk by the Imam. The importance of saying Friday prayers is mentioned in the Qur’an and Muhammad called Friday the best day.
The Tibetan Buddhist New Year holiday, Losar, starts on the first day of the first month of the Tibetan calendar, which is usually in February.
The celebrations last between three and 15 days and are a mixture of early Bon traditions and later Buddhist traditions. Tibetan Buddhists may perform rituals and dances to ward off evil spirits, present offerings to Buddha's shrine and hang up new prayer flags during Losar.
Losar is also a family time when people clean their houses, wear new clothes, come together to eat, share in the traditions of the festival and spend time together.
Navratri is celebrated for nine nights and 10 days. Hindus worship a different form of the mother goddess Durga every day, including Lakshmi (the goddess of good fortune and wealth) and Saraswati (the goddess of wisdom). In India, clay statues of Durga are placed in homes, temples and street shrines during the festival. On the tenth day (Dussehra) the statues are paraded in the streets and put into water to disintegrate.
Navratri is a time for new, colourful clothes, good food, dancing and families. However, it is also a time to fast, worship the goddesses quietly and take part in puja ceremonies every day. Navratri is also celebrated as a harvest festival. Many Hindus plant nine different grains at the beginning of the festival to celebrate a good harvest.
P.S.H.E - Personal Social Health Education (Including Relationships & Sex Education)
We follow six key themes in P.S.H.E. that are taught at the same time across the school, below is the specific theme covered.
Being Me In My World
Hopes and fears for the year
Rights and responsibilities
Rewards and consequences
Safe and fair learning
Valuing contributions
Recognising feelings
Celebrating Difference
Assumptions and
stereotypes about gender
Understanding bullying
Standing up for self and
Making new friends
Gender diversity
Celebrating difference and
remaining friends
Dreams & Goals
Achieving realistic goals
Learning strengths
Learning with others
Group co-operation
Contributing to and sharing
Healthy Me
Healthier choices
Healthy eating and nutrition
Healthier snacks and sharing
Different types of family
Physical contact boundaries
Friendship and conflict
Trust and appreciation
Expressing appreciation for special relationships
Changing Me
Cycles in nature
Growing from young to old
Increasing independence
Differences in female and male bodies (correct terminology)
Preparing for transition